So yesterday, I found myself in a little predicament. You see, I had 2 assignments due, plus a lab, and I started the day with 15% of it completed. I barely finished the first assignment at 2:00, handed it in, and then finished my lab at 4:00. I started the other assignment close to 5:00 and it was done by 10:00. I figure I spent 8-9 hours in the computer lab and 3 hours in a different computer lab.
This was stupid, but the last assignment was done amazingly and surprisingly well. My cat and mouse threads didn't run into each other! Woo, go locks and condition variables!
I hope all 2 of the people who read this blog are coming to my cabaret, which is October 29 (sat) at 8:00pm in the North Glenmore Park Community assoc. It's going to be good times. Tickets are available at the door.
Ooh, more news: I might have an internship. This awesome company, Quadrus Development is thinking of hiring me as their first intern ever. That would be amazing if they did because they're doing really cutting edge stuff.
Ok, here's some actual news:
- Too much time on their hands: this prof is kind of wacko. He wants photo evidence leading to the live capture of either Bigfoot, Yeti, or the Loch Ness Monster. Umm, is this really how college students want their tuiton spent? The short answer is yes, because that would be awesome. Woo! Yeti!
- Stupid Florida, this is the stupidest stabbing ever. A Walgreens employee stabbed another employee because she wanted to microwave her soup first. Oh my GOD! No one gets between me and my soup! You will DIE for delaying my soup eating process. So ... incredibly ... stupid.
- I need to work on my manners. I can never remember how much to tip the gamekeeper or which knife to use for my shepards pie. The British are offering a finishing school for men that lasts 3 days and helps with manners and etiquette. I would absolutely love to attend that! It's my all-time biggest dream. Actually, that was sarcasm, but I'm sure my girlfriend wouldn't complain if I signed up. I can never remember if the knife goes on the right or the left...
- The "professional" men and women of Europe (ie: the sex workers) want to be recognized as actual professionals and given the same rights as other workers. This is all fine and dandy, but you have to see the picture of the French prostitute in the article. I'm not quite sure if she would qualify for rights due to the fact that she isn't quite human.