Saturday, February 11, 2006

"A Little Too Far" - A Rant

Posted by Johnny

The cartoons depicting Muhammad may have gone too far for Muslims, but the rioting does not make up for it. This article of news has been beaten to death by other bloggers and less credible news sources (CNN), so I won't post any links - at least any that pertain to the state of Islam.

These cartoons may have been offensive to Muslims, but I'm pretty sure there have been more offensive drawings of other religious figures throughout history.

One that immediately comes to mind appeared on a movie version of the best (arguably) comedy on TV. Here's the link. Christians without senses of humour: beware. Here's another one. And another.

So, which is worse? The relatively tame drawings of Muhammad in the newspaper, or Jesus demonstrating his "powers" to a crowd of believers. Well, it all depends on who you are and where you live.

In the west, we often take for granted that we live in a society where we can poke fun at religion and politics without being stoned to death or bombed. We can also defend ourselves from rapists without fear of being hanged. So when we see the reaction in the Muslim world to drawings that are offensive to Islam, we think, "Are you fucking crazy?" But we will never truly understand a mindset and culture that is so different from our own, so the only thing we can do is try to respect theirs and hope they do the same with ours.

There is, however, a global reform that I would like to see in my lifetime:

Religion should not be used as a basis for government or its legal system.

Most religions are hundreds or thousands of years old. And still, the fundamentalists are clinging to these ancient value systems that were only relevant when women were truly objects and the number zero did not yet exist. This is not only the case in Islamic countries, but also in the US.

Bush is trying to, and succeeding in, introducing fundamentalist Christianity into the US government. Every abortion doctor that is murdered, every child who learns Intelligent Design instead of Evolution, every gay couple who is denied a marriage license, and every poor hurricane victim who is told that God is punishing them is a victim of the Ultra-Christianization of the United States.

Governments should only be built upon a system of secular ethics (as best they can). This system of morality examines which actions are wrong not by asking which actions offend God, but by asking which actions are inherently wrong. For instance, killing someone out of hatred or passion is wrong because it is wrong, not because it goes against the Ten Commandments. On the other hand, killing someone in self defense is not wrong / gray area because it is justifiable according to ethics, but still against the Ten Commandments.

Of course, ethics are the most complicated basis for morality because it is open to all sorts of interpretations. Take, for example, the situation with the RIAA and digital music. Is it right for the RIAA to sue individual users for downloading mp3's? No. Is it right for people to "steal" music by downloading it? No.

In all honesty, I won't see this change in my lifetime - in fact, it might get worse before it gets better. All I can do is hope that all the decent people in the world will stand up for themselves and not let fundamentalists of any kind take over the world. They can believe whatever they want, but they have no right to force those beliefs on anyone else, including me.


eyes of a tragedy said...

well what can i say, you are smart and well read, really. your posts are always thought provoking and make mine seem like emo-dribble, haha. but yes, i totally agree how the muslims are taking this way to far, but hey, you can't steal my jihad, that's the only claim i got to my cursed islamic roots, haha.

okay and regarding the previous post, i'm glad to be there for you anytime, sorry to hear about the walk-in, those are hard, but hopefully they will ease up. i'm currently in the 2 weeks of semi-mutual avoidance phase, tis tough also.

okay i'm done with this lengthy comment. ah, remember the show, i think it was called god, the devil and bob? i mean i don't think people burned stuff down over that..sheesh

Johnny said...

Haha, sorry for stealing Jihad, Sara. I'll give it back now. I wouldn't know what to do with it anyways :)

Anonymous said...

Have you seen the "Keep your Jesus off my Penis" music video? It's somewhat like what you said (w/ abortion and whatnot). I (obviously) agree with you entirely. Interestingly though, when explaining why killing is wrong, you said it is just wrong. Though I agree with you, many people in the world don't think that's enough reason. Or they ask why is it wrong?

These people are living their self-centered lives never thinking anything they aren't told. (nor do they think about what they have been told ie - duh, ID is a great theory). It makes it difficult for them to function rationally with differing view points, which is probably why this Muhommad picture thing has blown up. If people stopped being self-centered for just 5 minutes and pondered the other person's view, then damn...they might realize it's not worth blowing themselves up over. They may laugh or they may even say, wow, you have a point. Unfortunately we know that people aren't thinking about the cartoons at all. They made Muslims out to be terrorists and suicide bombers. How do they retaliate? If they thought about the cartoons, they might have picked another form of diplomacy.

Thank-fully, we live in a country where we can think for ourselves, express our views, and not feel threatened each day. In time, maybe we'll create a better world. It's too bad our parents didn't give us a better start with the task. If you look what they are leaving us to have to fix:

We have a fake war that has divided nations and formed enemies. We have threats of a nuclear (or, in bush's case nucular) war with Iran or N. Korea. Islam is the fastest growing relion in the world. We are running out of oil. Not to mention the new world police will be a communist dictatorship, who will crush anyone standing in the way. I don't know about everyone else, but I don't think the future looks friendly (especially since the bad things are going to give fuel the people claiming Christ's second coming is here and that it's the end of days. Wippi, just what I wanted to spend my next 60 years listening to).

So what can you and I and people around us do about it? Not too much I'm afraid. I am not opposed to forming my own little eutopia, filled with others who want to join. We can't change the entire world in our life time, but maybe we can a handfull of people. I would be happy with a few less bigots, a few less sexual preditors, a few kinda genuine souls (althought there isn't a soul...) and a few less poor people. Sure, it's not perfect, and we still have problems, but what else can we do? Wait around for the nukes I guess, or even worse - the collapse of scientific knowledge...

Johnny said...

Great comments indeed (Reid, I'm assuming).

In terms of explaining why killing is wrong, my answer of "It's just wrong" is definitely an over-simplification. That was used to accentuate the differences between Religion, Law, and Ethics. Ie: Killing is wrong because God said so, Killing is wrong because it is illegal, or Killing is wrong because it is wrong.

Of course, there is more to it than that. I believe killing is ultimately wrong, but there are some cases in which it is a necessity. For example, in self-defense or defense of a loved one, killing an attacker to prevent the murder of an innocent person, though less desirable than incapacitation, would be justifiable to me. Also, "pulling the plug" on a loved one to prevent suffering is also ethically justifiable.

It is when people kill on the basis of differing opinions and cultures that I cry "wrong!" Everyone in the world is entitled to his or her own opinion about anything and assuming that they aren't murdering other people, they have a fundamental right to life.

Thus, killing purely in the name of religion is what I would consider wrong. I agree that the Islamic extremists, although unfairly characterized in the cartoons, should NOT kill anyone based on those cartoons, even if they believe it is their duty as Muslims.

We live in the 21st century, not the sixth. We can't just go around killing each other because of disagreements. We also can't kill women for defending themselves or severely mutilate people for committing theft. It just isn't right, regardless of tradition.

A nice little utopia would be fun, but I think the world can change. Sooner or later, perhaps AFTER the Christian & Muslim extremists take over the world and AFTER the communist dictators gain control, I think the rational people of the world will unite and restore ... rationality to our planet.

It is a battle of attrition: 90% of our population is capable of being rational and making just ethical decisons. If the other 10% provokes us enough, we WILL fight to take back the world.

Anonymous said...

You assume correctly Johnny, and I agree with you entirely (logical minds must think a like, logically because they use the same logic). It turns out logic is only as powerful as the knowledge you have to use it with.

It has come up on occasion where I've been asked "why is killing wrong then" when I've said it's just wrong. I think the easiest way to explain "why" is by explaining how rules/morals seem to be put together. Morals/ethics are fuelled by emotion, specifically others. If I kill somebody, it's wrong because of the loss for them and their family. I don't steal, because it causes somebody else sadness and hurts them..

I support abortion, since the parents aren't hurt by not having the child and the child is not hurt because it does not know any different.

I support pulling the plug on people since it is a burden off the family and the person is not hurt by it (if they can't comprehend it, they aren't hurt).

I don't totally support the killing of one attacking a loved one, purely because they shouldn't be attacking you in the first place. Ideally, the person should have enough emotion to help define their own morals.

We can indeed raise children without morals - even in a Muslim/Christian context. Make them emotionless and they will never be able to figure out what is "right" and what is "wrong" (There are, of course, no absolutes).

Anyway, to our utopia (or eutopia, since eukaryotes means true kernal, a eutopia could mean a true ideal place)....

So yeah, I may post again on the topic, it's good one.