Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Scraping nails against the floor

Posted by Johnny

So WTF? Why haven't we spoken yet? I've always wanted to try going crazy, but I'm not there yet. And to top it all off, I rented Office Space today and tried to put it in 5 minutes ago, but the DVD is too scratched! Damn this infernal technology! Now I can't laugh away my fear in the privacy of my control room.

Still dreaming of beer.

Oh, and I wish I lived here: A little village in Austria called "Fucking". Apparently the British are obsessed with stealing their town signs. hahaha

She will be mine again. Oh yes, she will be mine again.

Posted by Johnny

I am going to try harder than I have ever tried in my entire life to salvage our relationship. We are good together and I want a future with her. I want to fast forward to tomorrow night, at which point we will be in the ring. Put me in coach, I'm ready.

If things fall apart, because anything is possible, I expect everyone I know to take it upon themselves to get me completely drunk whenever they see me for the following 2-4 months. I'll save money to help them, and I'll even resort to drinking Big Bear or TNT. Yes, I can see myself being that depressed.

But, my fingers are still crossed and there's a fight in my blood that's itching to come out.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I wish I was still drunk.

Posted by Johnny

I thought I understood girls but I don't - I'm completely in the fucking dust. Why am I cursed with knowing exactly what I want out of life, and why do the no-brainers to me seem like 5th order differential equations to her? Anyone?

Well, I guess no one can accuse me of leading a boring existence. I'll do a play-by-play as this either progresses or degenerates. I really don't want to lose 2+ years of what I thought was a good thing.

Monday, August 29, 2005

I may be (slightly) drunk

Posted by Johnny

I use the word "slightly" in a relative sense because I am still moderately coherant. Reid's girlfriend Shannon may beg to differ after hearing Reid and I add background "vocals" to the song we wrote and recorded in 30 minutes tonight. I can't wait to hear it when I'm sober.

So, let's see what's in the international news:

  • Apparently the state that lost John Kerry the election, Ohio, is having trouble educating their youth about sex. I'm sure at least one or two girls got knocked up when I was in high school, but never 65! This all comes down to Bush and the right wingers who consider premarital sex to be so evil that they can't even talk about it in school. Well I have news for them: sex isn't evil - it's lack of education that causes all the problems. If the youth are well educated, they can make responsible decisions about their sexual activities, based either on their beliefs or their comfort levels.
  • I feel sorry for New Orleans and the other southern states caught in hurricane Katrina. The US and the Caribbean have had some really bad luck with the weather since last August when hurricane Charley first hit. I remember that because Kathryn was visiting her relatives in Jamaica and Florida as Charley was passing through. Luckily her family members and their property were all OK, but areas just a few miles away were completely destroyed. If I were less sane than I claim to be, I would predict this as a coming apocalypse, but that may just be the crappy Old Milwaukee beer I had tonight.
  • The fucking MPAA is using log files from BitTorrent tracker sites to sue people in the US who were swapping movies. Wow. They're pretty much on par with the RIAA in my books. If anything like this ever happens in Canada, I'm moving to Amsterdam.
Hmm, Futurama's on soon. Time to go...

Website changes

Posted by Johnny

I added a spiffy new index to the portal. I only have 2 hosted sites, one of which is in working order. If only I had more time to design... Also, there's a link to this blog, so now I'm all connected. Mwahahaha.

First entry

Posted by Johnny

I'm going to see if having a blog will be worth the effort. Journals are time consuming, but I'm still on the fence as to whether this will be fun or useful. Maybe if I actually try to post good content...

Anyway, missing Kathryn, but what else is new. She's back on Tuesday (?), so yay!

I auditioned a singer yesterday, who is dating my friend Tom. She's good - has a contemporary vocal style that could be worked into our ballads without any touch-up. The rock tunes, on the other hand, may take a bit of work. But we'll see what happens. She's enthusiastic and easy to work with, so it will really come down to her melodies and lyrics.