Thursday, February 23, 2006

Good things about being single

Posted by Johnny

I'm just trying to keep positive:

  1. Hygine. Since breakup, I've stopped shaving for spans of > 4 days and no one has complained. I realize that some girls like facial hair, but I'm not used to that at all. This doesn't mean, however, that I've stopped showering regularly. It's not like I want to remain single.

  2. Scheduling. I don't really have to think about anyone's schedule except my own. Maybe I'll paint the town red tonight, maybe I won't. Who knows?

  3. Free time. Not that this was an issue before, but I have maybe 30 minutes to an hour of extra free time per week. Unfortunately, this is usually spent slacking off.

  4. No insecurity. No longer do I have to spend time brainstorming the reasons behind her silent treatments / anger.

  5. Flirting. I can flirt with women without feeling guilty. I'm not saying this has happened yet, but it could in theory.

Ok, do you want the truth? Being single blows, for the most part. The best thing that's come out of it is that I've been spending a ton of time with friends (mostly Reid), and that's been awesome.

I've been trying to focus on the bad periods that we had (and complain about those) instead of dwelling on the good times, but those good memories still creep in every so often. I just don't want to miss her.

Here's a question: how long do you have to wait to start dating again before they aren't considered a rebound? There haven't been any rebounds / flings yet, but I'm not really trying very hard. I'm still waiting to hear from that undisclosed person Down Under. Recent findings indicate that the Australian semester doesn't start for a week or two, which triggered a memory that she was going to travel around the country with her friends for a month or so before school started. Thus, hope is not lost yet...

OK, I'm going to bed. BTW, give Russia a motherfucking tracksuit. Now Gretsky can shift his attention to the massive scandal he left back home. Yay.


Anonymous said...

Wow, a blog almost every day this week. We all have time one our hands I guess. I have been using mine to sleep. As for rebounding, it's almost always going to fit somebody's definition of a rebound. Some may be a month, some may think anything after a break-up, regardless of the amount of time is a rebound. I don't really think there is any time on it, just get out there and do it.

Reading your post, you mentioned free time and then said 30 minutes to an hour extra per week! That implies you only got together for an hour a week, which would be less than 10 minutes a day. Obviously, you aren't counting commutes and whatnot, but still. That would mean an hour on a Saturday only per week, which isn't that long. If by week you meant day, then I would say - ouch, that's damn tough. That is more recording though.

The reason you two broke up and the reason it was good is because of the bad times. The good times you had together will likely be quickly replaced when somebody else comes along and there will hopefully be less bad.

Now you can use your free time to record, look at things on e-bay and surf the internet. All things I wish I had 13000 hours/day to each hour is a bonus.

To quickly comment on the monogamy post, the topic of love and monogamy are seperate things. Monogamy was selected via evolution because of its advantages in survival of the young in animals without large litters. Other branches of primates have different approaches (one male who mates with all the females) which are also insinctual. Males are not opposed to multiple partners, especially while not near there own family because the reason they were monogamous was for their young. Females, however, tend to have more of a drive to monogamy, especially when choosing one to yield offspring with. (There is casual sex that girls desire, but not for reproduction, just for pleasure).

Love is a human emotion that we've tried to describe in words. It's partially our instinct and drive to be with one person, combined with out ability to look past our instincts and think about the different levels of feelings we feel for people. Love, ideally, would be the most instinctual of all the feelings (like lust, but with a desire to raise children rather than to get it on). There are, of course, many different dfeinitions of love, and each person means a different thing when they say it.

Love does have to do with monogamy, although it is a word to describe the instinct. Humans are "suppose" to be monogamous, particularily when raising children and for the most part they are. Because of our ability to think and talk ourselves out of (or INTO) instincts, we have dating relationships wherein you strive to reach the instinctual monogamy, even though it's something that comes on its own. I don't know if that makes sense, the important thing is:

Monogamy is not something you can force, it is something you will just do. Love is not something you can try harder to make, or force to come, it's something that you feel when you are "doing" monogamy.

Johnny said...

Woah, another blog-esque comment from Reid. Dude, you should be putting these in a more readily available place.

You were right, I wasn't counting the morning commutes in my free time because I still have to do those by myself. Maybe in total, it's between 1 and 2 hours of gained free time that I can spend doing .. things.

BTW, you forgot to mention downloading porn in the things you wish you could do if you had 13,000 hours/day. Wait, I guess you don't need any extra time to do that.. Nevermind.

I love how you explained monogamy with Evolution. I was approaching it from a different POV: from the "nurture" side instead of the "nature" side.

eyes of a tragedy said...

Well I'm adding my two cents of brain spasmed knowledge, on the rebounding question, I just think if you feel something sincere for the person then it's not a rebound, but then there's also the fun lets just make out situations, which are fine too...I think it's just not cool to trick someone into something if you only just want someone to be with...not that I'm saying you would...I'm just rambling again.

But your positive points do make sense, so try and think of them, but yeah, sometimes I think I'm just lying to myself as I try to act like I don't care.

I hope the Aussie girl writes you back soon!

Anonymous said...

I don't post enough to blog, and often commetns are just random poop that I excrete. I also enjoy that you come up with the topics and then I can discuss it, rather than having to come up with stuff on my own. That's far too hard, especially when loaded. Which is where I find myself yet again.

D/P would be great for a 13000 hour day, then I would have so much more porn in a day. A full length movie that is going at .1 wouldn't have to wait a week, it would be in the evening. Meh, recycle, reuse, reproduce. It allw words

Johnny said...

Dude, you must have been drunk when you wrote, "It allw words".

I'm not quite sure what you were going for there :)

Anonymous said...

oh geeze. I was pretty loaded last night, I don't know what that means