With the minor exception of running into a certain person in Engineering A on Friday, I'm doing pretty good. Friends are important - Reid, Sara, Tomscott, everyone else: thank you.
I'm almost ready to start dating again, I think. The person I've had a major crush on for the last 2.5 years is spending the semester in Australia, so that will give me a couple months to fully recover before I ask her out. I don't expect her to be interested, but I'd really kick myself later if I never found out if she's shared the crush. I emailed her last week, but no response yet - she doesn't check email very often when she's in Calgary and she might not even have a computer down under, so I don't expect a response for a while.
I can't wait to get my new drums! First of all, the laptop is on its way soon, so that's going to be cool. I think I'll head down to L&M during reading week and see what Andrew Clark can do for me in terms of ordering a set of Pearl Reference drums. I'd like to get some congas and some new cymbals too, but that's really getting expensive.
Speaking of reading week, I'm heading down to Edmonton to party HC with Reid on the first weekend. Regardless of whether we find any actual parties to go to, we'll probably be too drunk for hangovers. Good times indeed.
Ok, I haven't link dumped in a long time, so here it comes:
- This stupid Filipino guy incited a riot outside of a stadium by shouting "BOMB!". What a fucking idiot. This stunt got about 75 people killed and ~300 injured. This is why we don't shout "BOMB" or "Hijack" or "Jihad" in airports or other densely crowded areas. Idiot.
Oh that reminds me. I can now declare "Jayhad" or "J-had" on my enemies. So you better stay on my good side, bitches! :) j/k - I guess I need to get laid because I can certainly read this T-Shirt. No one should EVER use leet-speak. Ever. Especially during sex (unless you're role-playing, in which case that would be pretty fucking hot - especially if the girl really knew her stuff).
- An elderly blind woman in the UK had a heart attack and then regained her sight. Miracle? Probably not, but it's still pretty cool. The first thing she said to her husband when she woke up was, "Haven't you got old." BURN!
Finally, I'm awarding yet another Jgoz.net seal of Approval to this guy. He was charged for reckless engagement on the road because he was forcing people off the road and driving erratically. Why this behaviour, you ask? He was leafing through porn mags! That's right, this motherfucker was jackin' it to some (low) quality magazines WHILE driving on a freeway. He definitely deserves this award, hands down.
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