Sunday, January 22, 2006

The Hour of Power

Posted by Johnny

I was watching the Hour of Power on TV for a brief moment this morning and I heard the minister dude asking everyone to please continue donating to the Hour of Power. His reason was that in 2005 the Hour of Power came close to being cancelled because it didn't receive the donations it needed. He wanted it to change in 2006.

This is what he was really saying: "Hi suckers. Last year, I couldn't afford to give money to the Republican Party to keep George Bush (AKA God Jr) looking favourable to the American Race (ie: Evangelists). Therefore, I am asking you to donate $600 per year of your hard-earned money so that I can keep asking you to donate $600 per year of your hard-earned money for years to come. If you don't, you'll pretty much be going to hell, along with everyone else in the entire world except for the Evangelical 'Christians'. Peace out, suckers."

Here is what's wrong with Evanglists: everything. They are all pretty much 100% certifiably INSANE.

First of all, the idea of young-earth creation is scientifically disprovable, yet they cling to the "fact" that the Earth is 6000 years old because the Bible told them so. Right. Second of all, they can't possibly believe that a person will go to hell if they don't accept Jesus as their Lord. It's just so freaking rediculous.

If you ask me, they're the ones going to hell, if there is such a place (which there probably isn't).

Here are some links related to Pat Robertson and all that is his idiocy:

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