Maybe I'm just getting old, but I've found CBC's Newsworld to be providing better programming than in the past. Tonight, I briefly watched a documentary on global warming presented by the wonderful David Attenborough. Now I like David Attenborough a lot. He's provided BBC viewers with some amazing nature documentaries. I, however, completely disagree with his arguments in the film. Having been shown on The Big Picture with Avi Lewis, there was a debate following the film. I was shocked at the pathetic arguments people were making for and against "Global Warming". Let's go over the basics:
That's it. That's all the term "Global Warming" says. This is well supported by data obtained in preceeding years. For some unknown reason (biased media bullshit and loud mouth tree huggers), people seem to think that global warming has to do with CO2 levels. The general "Scienctific Concesus" is that if we reduce our emissions, we reduce the global warming.
David Attenborough put out a bunch of "calcutions" from someone's ass to show how much we could reduce the emissions by using alternative power sources besides carbon. I wanted to shoot myself in the face. I don't even know where to start, so let's begin with CO2.

More important than anything is that there is no reason to assume that CO2 levels are the causal agent of global warming.
One of the suggestions in the film was to use nuclear power to reduce CO2 emissions. AHhhhhh, this kills me. I'm all for nuclear power, but does it really reduce global warming? How the fuck do they pull numbers out or how much it will reduce the climate change? Oh, they calculate the change in CO2 emission. Here's a novel concept. Maybe the earth is heating not because of the CO2 but because billions of years of energy is being released in a small period of time. Consider an example.
A small room starts out at a reasonable tempterature. You enter the room and begin dancing around. Within 5 minutes, the temperature in the room has increased dramatically. Is it because of the CO2 you are breathing out? Is it because you ate a cow instead of your granola? If you ate nothing at all, would it change anything? NO, because what it is heating the room is the release of energy from your body. Why is this such a hard concept? New energy sources don't solve the problem. We are still heating up our world by heating out houses, boiling pots of water, even taking a shit. Yes, taking a shit would warm a small area of surrounding air.
There is no real solution to this "problem", if you wish to all it that. The world is warming, we are probably doing our part in contributing to it. For the record, the temperature has been significantly higher and lower prior to us contributing. Are you going to live without energy and kill off a bunch of people, or are you going to take your chances with evolution and the natural homeostasis mechanisms of the world that must haven been implemented before?
Fuck people, are we actually going to do anything useful, or just spend a lot of money?
He's back with another fine rant. I must admit that I've never considered the obvious possibility that increased energy release is responsible for global warming. After all, the number of people on Earth is increasing ever rapidly, and with that comes more conversion of stored energy into heat. That makes a lot of sense.
I'll have to agree with your initial statement that the CBC seems to be getting better, perhaps with age. I'm also a huge fan of Avi Lewis (Stephen Lewis' son).
I have two explainations as to why CBC Newsworld's programming has gotten better. The conservative government's policy of having a smaller government gives the CBC more breathing room, meaning they can report what the people are interested in (What a novel idea for a public broadcaster). The second explaination is that my leaving Canada has meant that Canadian programming has gotten better (that or Canadian journalism is just that much better than americans)
I tell the world, everyone kill your neighbour. It's the only way we'll survive.
Or we could all stop shitting.
If everyone ceased their shitting, the world would indeed be a better place
But I enjoy shitting. Damn this world!
Brett: Do you think the Conservative government intends to keep the CBC public?
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