Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Fate.... or stalking?

Posted by Johnny

I will summarize this story below:

  • Guy dreams up phone number
  • Guy sends text message to said number
  • Number belongs to girl
  • Guy marries girl
That was heavily abridged, but you get the gist of it. The couple met because the guy dreamt of her phone number and sent it a text message, thinking he'd met her the night before. He hadn't, but they fell in love and got married.

Seems plausible.... OR DOES IT?

Which of the following scenarios is more likely? 1) I "dream" about a 7 or 10 digit phone number (complete with 10,000,000 or 10,000,000,000 possible numbers), send it a text message, and find out that it belongs to a (presumably) attractive female my age; OR 2) I stalk a girl whom I (presumably) find attractive, find out her phone number, and then contact her by describing scenario 1?

Yeah, that's what I thought. Whatever, it doesn't really matter because they'll be divorced within 2 years.


Kevin said...

I'm perfectly willing to accept it at face value.

And your scenarios are quite creepy. I'm willing to guess that anyone that creepy might have some other social problems, presumably noticeable his 'target' girl.

Kim said...

Awww... I wish we weren't all old, cynical, and jaded...

I miss the awe-struck times of believing in romance/non-creepy dreams of phone numbers???

Stupid reality.