Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The Only Reason to Watch Football

Posted by Johnny

The Superbowl halftime show: it usually has a washed-up band doing an unlikely duet with some shitty newcomer (Aerosmith & Britney Spears, anyone?), but this year, they finally did something right and chose Prince.

He put on a pretty sweet show, so if you have 12 minutes to waste, I'd recommend watching. He covers some CCR, Bob Dylan via Hendrix, and some Foo Fighters.

NOTE: I updated this embedded video to not use the YouTube copy. Hopefully this one lasts a bit longer.


Kevin said...

"This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Universal Music Publishing Group"

Music industry misses the point again. Viewing this video on YouTube does not mean a loss in record sales. If anything, it may encourage me to actually buy a Prince album.

Johnny said...

Damn Universal. If they didn't house the Mars Volta, I would boycott their products.

Kevin said...

Not bad. Much better than Aeroshit.