I was going to do some kind of extrospective post about the state of affairs in the year 2007 and what I hoped for the future, but time is money and I'm not made of money, people. So then I thought about doing some kind of introspective post about my state of affairs in the year 2007, but that would just bore you. Maybe I'll save that for my 1 year anniversary of singlehood at the end of this month, assuming I make it there (and chances are great). Finally, a recap of my 10 days off would be reasonably pointless, since most of the people who read this blag were present for most of what I would have written about.
Instead of all that pseudo-philosophical bullshit, I present to you, as a late Christmas present, the worst album covers ever (from here). If I find any more today that aren't on the previously mentioned site, I'll post them.

[Edit: This is probably a fake]

The guy in front is now a US Congressman.

I love you all (well, most of you).
[Edit: Here is another album cover, from this webpage. It looks real to me.]

Wow...I dunno about you, but I think that Tino is a stone fox!
I don't speak Italian, but I would guess that the name of his album directly translates to "For First Look", which could really be "At First Sight" or something.
I've also been trying to find that Cody Matherson album this morning, but I'm not sure if it actually exists. "Can I Borrow a Feelin'" was the name of the demo tape Milhouse's dad recorded in an episode of the Simpsons.
And I don't know about you guys, but I want to party with Devastatin' Dave, the Turntable Slave.
Did I say Italian? Tino is Spanish, although my comment about not speaking Italian is true. I also don't speak Spanish, apparently, because Google says it translates to "For the first time."
Those are fucking hilarious.
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