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First, I have to opine on the awkwardness experienced when someone is working on the ceiling of the men's washroom while you're in a stall. It's awkward because they can see you. I hope they're done soon, for my sake and theirs.
Anyway, here are some Kimberley pics that Lauren took. My (witty) comments are attached. Also, these are not in chronological order. Finally, these are mostly from Saturday & Sunday, because most of Friday's pics are too revealing...

Cranium + Corona + Wine = Challenging

Hmm..nachos. Let's head down to my cabin sometime. With ladies though. Or at least lady. Or at least a guy with long hair so...actually, ladies. You know, like how we head all those other places with ladies?
Yeah, that's definitely us. We're ladies men to the max. I mean, I just used the phrase "to the max", which is panty dissolver for sure. Haha, panty dissolver. I picked up that expression from Reid's dad.
Ok, here's how it's going to play out. We're going to approach every lady we see and invite them to your cabin for the weekend. The laws of probability dictate that we should see success at some point.
If mid-November comes and there are still no ladies, then we're going to your cabin and finding ladies around there.
know what girls like? or at least myself...when you call them lady to their face. thats hot. plus you, kevin, have a cabin! thats like 100 points right there...coupled with "the max", you both will be unstoppable.
hey johnny...reading your blog has inspired me to start writing in mine's been a long time, and i'm not quite as witty as you, reid, or kristen, but i thought i'd inform you of it, in case you get bored and feel the need to read something...
But you are as witty as me? Is that what you are implying? Hmm...fair enough...that isn't much of an accomplishment.
But I bet you aren't as witty as my team of writers. They're Jewish!
God damn Kevin, I laugh every time
Any wit of mine that escapes on this blog is surely accidental and unintentional. Or maybe it's manufactured and forced.. yeah, that seems right. Just like pop music.
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