Well, I finally got what I've been waiting for since the end of January: a reply from Amy. And no, the results were not what I was hoping for. She's apparently in a relationship (long-distance) right now, so that's the end of that.
While I thought I would be fairly upset about this scenario, I'm actually feeling pretty good. I finally said what I have wanted to say to her for a reallllly long time, and although I got rejected, rejection doesn't really bother me anymore (thanks to someone we all know - see every pre-Amy personal post on this blog). Of course, the initial impact of the reply was disappointing, but I'm actually smiling about it now.
I think the period of time between sending the email and getting the reply really helped me get over Kathryn, and by what I accomplished on Wednesday night, I think I'm in a pretty good frame of mind. She really wants to keep in contact with me and keep the friendship and I feel the same way.
So what am I going to do now? Well, I'm going to start putting all of my non-scholastic effort into dating. As much as that really pisses me off, it's really the only way to find a girlfriend. At least I'll have money in the summer to be able to afford going on dates.
I can officially say that I regret nothing and I'm quite happy.
Friday, March 24, 2006
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
First the background details:
I'm subbing in on drums for my friend Liz in the vocal jazz group that she manages because she has tendonitis. We had a rhythm sectional tonight at the university, but it was only she and I and a piano player...
The piano player was very attractive. Cute girl, really nice, great piano player and singer (more on this later). So I thought, "meh, what do I have to lose?" and I asked if I could buy her dinner after the rehearsal. She agreed without putting up any kind of a fight, but she just wanted some Pita on the Run because she had to work on a paper that night.
So I bought her dinner, sat at one of the 2-seaters in Mac Hall and we talked for quite a while. Things seemed to be going really well and I thought we were hitting it off. Then we somehow got on the topic of doing weird things in a drivethrough. She told me this story, most of which I forget, where she was going through McDonalds with someone who had a sock puppet.
The story itself isn't so much important, but this is what she said: "So, I was with a guy, who was my boyfriend at the time ...."
Johnny's mind: MOTHERFUCK!
Yeah. That was short-lived. Apparently she's engaged to this guy in Victoria and is moving there sometime in the summer to do her music education degree.
I couldn't figure out why she accepted my invitation to dinner in the first place, most likely knowing my intentions and knowing that she is engaged. Kind of puzzling. Oh well. I'm just happy that I had the confidence to ask her out in the first place - this is a good sign.
And, as it turns out, she's written a couple songs and is very interested in recording herself at RnJ Studios this summer. So in losing out on a weekend date, I gained a potential client. She even played for me afterwards and she sounded pretty good. Her piano is better than her singing, but Reid and I have creative ways around that.
Well, that was my story. The lesson I learned is that I actually have to look at girls' hands before I ask them out. I didn't think I would have to do that as a 20-year-old, but apparently I do!
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Great movie. So good, that I'm just getting home from seeing it and I'm already blogging about how good it is.
It's by the same guys who did the Matrix, but this is not a far-fetched sci-fi action film with a confusing (but cool) plot. This is a movie with a killer plot, great acting, and some beautiful and inspiring explosions. Never have I loved Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture so much. Did I mention that Natalie Portman is in it (and does her role well)?
I'm not going to reveal the plot, but think Big Brother + Nazi themes + Batman + the Count of Monte Cristo, and you won't be close.
On a side note, Tom read my horoscope to me from the theatre magazine and it said I would find a long sought-after treasure this month, and to watch for something special on the 20th. Hmm.. it's probably BS.
Friday, March 17, 2006
This kid in the US recited pi to 8,784 digits. I couldn't even remember the number 8,784 and had to check the page again when typing it into this post.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
The email was sent. I told all, but I don't have a good feeling about it. Here's the reason:
My mom, who predicted the big breakup 2 days before it happened had another weird, but strong feeling about me and my emotions. She said it could have been either good or bad, but it was most likely bad. I generally pass off this kind of thing as purely superstitious, but given her track record in the last couple months, I'm not so sure anymore.
I didn't say anything about the email to Amy, but if it was anything, it was that. It wouldn't be anything to do with Kathryn's birthday being today because there isn't a lot more that could really hurt me in that former area of my life.
Oh well, only time will tell I guess. If I prepare for the worst, then I'll be less disappointed when the worst actually happens.
Stupid life/love. I rue thee for taking away my control.
Ok I found this on Sara's blog, so I decided to fill it out as well:
[+/-] show/hide the survey
Are you happy with your given name?: Yeah, I like being Johnny. It's a good name for someone who will eventually be famous.
What is your guaranteed weeping movie?: Pay it Forward.
What is the one thing you like to do alone?: ....Let's say ... blog.
What's a major fear of yours?: Going deaf.
Are you a pyromaniac?: I'm a pyrotechnicmaniac.
Do you know anyone famous?: Only through several degrees of separation.
Describe your bed: Nice and big - room enough for two, but occupied by one at the moment.
What type of character would you play in a movie?: The good guy in a romantic comedy.
What do you carry with you at all times?: My wallet, watch, keys.. do pants count?
How do you eat an apple?: Usually by mastication, followed by some good old fashioned swallowing.
Do you prefer to stand out or blend in?: Depends where I am.
What kind of first impression do you think you give people?: I appear shy at first, until you get to know me.
Favorite communication method?: Face to face, followed by phone, MSN, then email.
What is your hidden talent?: Determining whether breasts are real or fake.
Do you own a Bible?: Not that I know of.
How many drinks before you're tipsy?: Depending on prior food consumption, it usually takes about 3 beers to get me wobbly.
Do you have a problem changing clothes in front of friends?: Only if they're women.
What should you be doing instead of this?: So, so many things.
Who was the last person who called you?: Scott?
Are you ready?: Put me in, coach.
What is the last gift you gave someone?: Fuck if I know.
Does everything happen for a reason?: I hope not.
What is your biggest headache lately?: Girls
What color is your bedroom?: Off-white I think. I don't know. Who cares about fucking colors?
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: Only to people who don't know me very well.
Have you ever pierced your own body part or that of someone else?: Um, no.
What kind of watch do you wear?: Timex Expedition
What's one car you will never buy? (why?): Ford anything because they suck.
How many online journals do you read daily?: Hmm... what's the difference between a blog and a journal?
Do you cry in front of your friends?: Not since I was in elementary school.
Would you die to save the life of someone you dearly love?: Yes
Do you have any married friends?: Not yet......
Do you like thunderstorms?: On occasion
What was your first job?: Stampede labourer/sweeper
What was the last thing you typed before this survey?: HTML code to allow this text to be hidden/expanded.
Favorite word lately?: Apt. It's the word that describes itself perfectly.
What's the strangest thing that's happened to you in the past week?: I got asked to judge a vocal audition.
You have a crush, don't you?: Have you been reading my blog??
Who?: Check a couple posts back.
What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moments?: Biting my lip? I don't know.
Do you talk a lot?: Only if I know/care a lot about the subject.
What do you typically order at a bar?: Rickards Red or Traditional
Name ONE trait you hate in a person.: Arrogance
Favorite writing utensil?: My laptop
What's one thing you're a loser at?: Asking girls out
When's the last time you made someone cry?: First year university, but it wasn't my fault - it was hers.
Do you like the rain?: Yes, if I have an umbrella.
Who was the last person you talked to in person?: Bruce, unfortunately
What are your plans for the weekend?: Tons of homework, judge a vocal audition.
How much money would it take for you to give up the internet for a year?: At least one million dollars.
Where's your ideal marriage location?: A really old, majestic church or somewhere green and beautiful like BC.
What do you cook the best?: Mac & Cheese.
kind of books do you like to read?: Non-fiction, Sci Fi, Thriller
If you win the lottery, what would you like to do?: Buy my own house, build a studio, and record/produce records for a living.
If you don't like a person, how do you show it?: I'm rude to them.
How long have you known your best friend?: High school.
What are you listening to?: Boston - Foreplay/Long Time.
What was the last thing you laughed at?: Arrested Development season 2
What do you wish you were doing right now?: Relaxing on a beach, next to (insert crush's name here)
What musical instrument do you wish you could play?: Vocals
What's the funniest experience you ever had at your job?: I was stamping hands at the Stampede and this guy, who was getting escorted out by police, asked me for my phone number.
If you could speak any language, which language would you speak?: Italian - the language of love.
Ok, I'm sick of thinking about prolog and first-order predicate calculus, so it's time to waste some time.
Here's yet another blunder by the lean, mean, Evangelical machine Pat "Motherfucker" Robertson (as I call him). He used the words "crazed fanatics ... motivated by demonic power" to describe the Muslims who were offended by those infamous cartoons. He went on to say that "Islam is not a religion of peace", and "the goal of Islam, ladies and gentlemen whether you like it or not, is world domination".
Oh really? And Evangelism's goal isn't world domination? This is like the pot calling the kettle a "crazed fanatic." So if for-profit Christianity is not focussed on world domination, then what is the point of missionaries? Maybe they're spreading the word of God for shits and giggles. Not bloody likely.
Missionaries have been responsible for the Christianization and sanitization of countless indigenous societies, stripping them of their heritage and individuality. They believe that their intentions are noble and just and that the world will be better if they made everyone a Christian because more people will get into heaven.
If there is a God and a heaven, why would Christians be the only people in the world to get into heaven? Shit, humans were around for a couple million years (Reid, check my facts please) before Christianity came about. You can't tell me that each and every one of the people who existed before Christianity is burning in hell right now. I refuse to accept that.
So, keeping in mind that the idea of an exclusively Christian heaven is bogus, why do we need missionaries? The indigenous societies have their beliefs and you have yours, so just leave it at that! I would support missionaries if they were just helping struggling nations without trying to convert them, but that is most often not the case.
Where am I going with this? Well, Pat M Robertson was claiming that Muslims are trying to take over the world, but he left out that they are fighting the for-profit Christians for that same goal. In reality, it's the crazy members of both religions who are trying to take over the world. Obviously not all Muslims and not all Christians want the world to think the way they do; just the most vocal, and thus, influential ones.
Pat, you're on the list.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Ok, so either my feelings for Amy were stronger than I thought, or I'm afraid that I missed my chance, or both. Whatever the reason behind my madness, I'm going to send her an email late this week that explains everything, including my feelings.
This is something that I've never actually revealed to her, and regardless of the outcome, I'll feel better after revealing them to her. There's no guarantee that she'll read the email before July, but she will find out eventually. I would post the contents of the email, but ...
Anyway, I'm not expecting anything to happen after I send it (or ever, really), but I just don't want to keep wondering if she and I have a chance.
Now, on to the meat of the post:
- Here's a post by George Clooney about being a liberal in the US, and how the word "liberal" has become akin to the word "nazi" (in the US, of course). Then, here's the parodical rebuttal post by another celebrity liberal type (Greg Gutfeld), though I've never actually heard of this guy. Um.. burn! (?) Yeah.. You put that celeb in his place.
- Ok, this is fucked up. Apparently this 8-year-old girl in the UK is still breastfed by her mother - in public! What?!? Why? That's really not normal. Imagine the girl in 6-7 years when she's 15. Is she still going to be breastfeeding? I'm not sure, but that might constitute incest in some of the more conservative US states.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Check this out.
I'm pretty sure this is how I should approach the dating scene.
The best part is when the guy tries to reimburse the girl for the drink she already has and complains to her about how much she paid for it originally. So damn funny.
And check this out too.
This guy had an inheritance or something and he ended up spending $130,000 at a strip club and on strippers. He would even pay this one stripper just to go out and talk with him.
He got so desperate to keep up this spending spree that he tried to kill his wife 4 times (!!) for the $300,000 insurance money. He even tried to get his son in on it, who then reported him to the police. Luckily, the guy is in jail now, but fuck - what an idiot!
He's an idiot for 2 reasons:
- He spend $130,000 on strippers
- He failed to kill his wife 4 times
Monday, March 06, 2006
He even found a topic for me:
US state tightens abortion laws. In particular, the state of South Dakota has made abortions pretty much illegal. The only exception is in the case that the woman's life would be in danger by having the baby. They won't even do it if the baby was a result of rape or incest.
This is fucking huge. The term "Land of the Free" has really become less and less accurate over the last 6 years, and if this new law in South Dakota is any indication, it is only going to get worse.
I mean, who is the government to take away a woman's right to choose. If a woman gets knocked up and doesn't believe in abortion, then she won't get one. But if that woman has good reason to have an abortion (ie: rape, incest, or just simply wouldn't be able to care for the child) then it's her choice.
Why does the US government feel they need to take control of its people's bodies? The government should be there to protect and support its people, not to impose invasive values on them.
But then again, this is the heartland of America we're talking about. Perhaps this is what the majority of the population wants. After all, they elected President Idiot based on his stance on gay marriage and completely ignored the giant fuck up that is Iraq.
This is the conclusion that I've been coming to over the last couple years: the US is not the beacon of independence and liberty that it used to be (if it ever was one). It is slowly going to spiral itself back into the middle ages to join many of the Islamic nations that it will eventually war with.
On its current course, the US will give up its superpower status in favour of a dogmatic lifestyle shared by all. They will cut themselves off from the rest of the world and live their happy little isolationist lives, choosing not to remember the empire they used to have. As long as God blesses America, who cares about what's going on in the real world?
Friday, March 03, 2006
So, I am now posting on my brand new MacBook Pro laptop, which kicks some serious ass. This blog post is being typed into a Google Blogger dashboard widget, which is like a very light-weight version of the web interface. Pretty cool. I can't do most my blogging from here because the only formatting you can do is bold and italic, but it's cool nonetheless.
I'll do a real post later on, but my battery is running low right now...
Update: I found a new piece of software called MarsEdit, which allows me to publish directly to blogger without having to go through the web interface. Mmm, I love not using a web interface.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
BushHave a look at this video of Bush's brifing for Hurricane Katrina. Funny how all the experts briefing him were warning him that the storm could cause massive loss of life and damage to property, yet he claimed later that "no one could have predicted" the scope of damage that the storm could cause.
Kind of strange, eh? No one could have predicted the scope? Maybe by "no one" he meant "no one that isn't an expert in natural disaster prediction." Yeah, that seems more plausible. Either that, or he lied directly to the Associated Press.
So Bush really is the Fucktard that we all thought he was. Sometimes I wonder how middle America lost touch with the rest of the fucking world. I mean, how could anybody vote for and trust this guy? Say what you want about Bush's intelligence, but the people who voted for him should be prohibited from voting and breeding for the rest of their lives unless they admit that they were 106% wrong and under the influence of Evangelical propaganda.
King Ralph
This is why I wish I had voted for Ralph Klein, future king of Saudi Albertia. When handed the Liberal book of proposals for health care in Alberta, he said "I don't need this crap!" and threw the book at the 17-year-old page that handed it to him.
That's good politics.
Klein's kindom is so wealthy that he can just throw caution to the wind, along with a 78-page book. If any high school-aged pages happen to be in his way, screw 'em! He doesn't need this crap!
Oh yeah, and homeless people: "Get a job!"