BushHave a look at this video of Bush's brifing for Hurricane Katrina. Funny how all the experts briefing him were warning him that the storm could cause massive loss of life and damage to property, yet he claimed later that "no one could have predicted" the scope of damage that the storm could cause.
Kind of strange, eh? No one could have predicted the scope? Maybe by "no one" he meant "no one that isn't an expert in natural disaster prediction." Yeah, that seems more plausible. Either that, or he lied directly to the Associated Press.
So Bush really is the Fucktard that we all thought he was. Sometimes I wonder how middle America lost touch with the rest of the fucking world. I mean, how could anybody vote for and trust this guy? Say what you want about Bush's intelligence, but the people who voted for him should be prohibited from voting and breeding for the rest of their lives unless they admit that they were 106% wrong and under the influence of Evangelical propaganda.
King Ralph
This is why I wish I had voted for Ralph Klein, future king of Saudi Albertia. When handed the Liberal book of proposals for health care in Alberta, he said "I don't need this crap!" and threw the book at the 17-year-old page that handed it to him.
That's good politics.
Klein's kindom is so wealthy that he can just throw caution to the wind, along with a 78-page book. If any high school-aged pages happen to be in his way, screw 'em! He doesn't need this crap!
Oh yeah, and homeless people: "Get a job!"
Thursday, March 02, 2006
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I agree that those people shouldn't be allowed to vote. It's one of those things, sure their opinions matter...but not if they are going to fuck everything up. It's why people like kyle shouldn't vote, because frick man frick, we'd be in big trouble then. We could watch 24 weather on tv...oh wait, we have that. What has this world come to...
I agree that their opinions matter, but GOD DAMN. They're responsible for a government that let 1300 of its own people die because they didn't want to listen to those "stupid, smart-ass scientists."
Not to mention Iraq, Afghanistan, the war on "Terror", their shit-ass economy, the Supreme Court of Jesus, Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, countless acts of torture against prisoners, destruction of the environment, and the gun-slinging madman known as Dick Cheney.
Haha, Kyle. I think he's in a fusion band or something, but taking a "degree" at a Bible college. He should transfer to Patriot Bible University.
The admin has been fucking studid. Bible colleges are a waste of time. Patriot bible diploma factory...I didn't know they gave out PhD's as diplomas. Must be one of those "long distance" PhDs where you mail in your stuff...
I think we are all in agreeance here
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