Tuesday, March 14, 2006

In class and bored

Posted by Johnny

Ok, I'm sick of thinking about prolog and first-order predicate calculus, so it's time to waste some time.

Here's yet another blunder by the lean, mean, Evangelical machine Pat "Motherfucker" Robertson (as I call him). He used the words "crazed fanatics ... motivated by demonic power" to describe the Muslims who were offended by those infamous cartoons. He went on to say that "Islam is not a religion of peace", and "the goal of Islam, ladies and gentlemen whether you like it or not, is world domination".

Oh really? And Evangelism's goal isn't world domination? This is like the pot calling the kettle a "crazed fanatic." So if for-profit Christianity is not focussed on world domination, then what is the point of missionaries? Maybe they're spreading the word of God for shits and giggles. Not bloody likely.

Missionaries have been responsible for the Christianization and sanitization of countless indigenous societies, stripping them of their heritage and individuality. They believe that their intentions are noble and just and that the world will be better if they made everyone a Christian because more people will get into heaven.

If there is a God and a heaven, why would Christians be the only people in the world to get into heaven? Shit, humans were around for a couple million years (Reid, check my facts please) before Christianity came about. You can't tell me that each and every one of the people who existed before Christianity is burning in hell right now. I refuse to accept that.

So, keeping in mind that the idea of an exclusively Christian heaven is bogus, why do we need missionaries? The indigenous societies have their beliefs and you have yours, so just leave it at that! I would support missionaries if they were just helping struggling nations without trying to convert them, but that is most often not the case.

Where am I going with this? Well, Pat M Robertson was claiming that Muslims are trying to take over the world, but he left out that they are fighting the for-profit Christians for that same goal. In reality, it's the crazy members of both religions who are trying to take over the world. Obviously not all Muslims and not all Christians want the world to think the way they do; just the most vocal, and thus, influential ones.

Pat, you're on the list.


Anonymous said...

Ahh, Pat...what a guy. I wonder what his thoughts about the cartoon in the UofS paper. Well, I'll give you the gist of it.

Frame 1: Jesus is sucking a pig's dick and notices that somebody sees him
Frame 2: The person tells Jesus, "Don't worry, it's still kosher if you don't swallow"

This relates beautifully to Pat himself. It's not okay for others, but it is okay for him. He can be greedy, he can be radical, and as long as people around him bend the rules for him, it's okay.

As for humans and heaven, modern day humans have only been been around for about 250, 000 years. Some people will quote a number of 2 million because they class homo erectus in with sapiens. Neandertals (Or Neanderthals) were around about the same time frame, and showed signs of belief in the after life.

Lucy, which is a member of Australopithecus afarensis, is a fair bit older. I don't think there has been any indication that these early apes believed in any sort of afterlife. This group was 3-4 million years ago, so that's more in the range. Of course, these advanced creates still had souls, but did not believe in an afterlife.

As an aside (Because I think it is interesting), the way we know whether or not these extinct creatures believed in an afterlife or not is based upon the way the body is found. When there is thought of an afterlife, there is often some sort of preparation of the body/burial. Without a believe in afterlife, things are just left as-is.

Recently, a new species has been discovered which dates to as early as 18,000 years ago. These ape/human things were like mini humans and even showed some use of tools. They were found in Indonesia I believe. Anyway, it goes to show that not too long ago we had other intellectuals on this earth.

One of the things that blows my mind still is the development of the human mind . Not because it is so wonderful, but because it is so stupid. For example, the first hunting tool was a sharpened rock used to stab the animals. It took thousands of years before anyone thought of putting the rock on a stick so they didn't have to get so close. THOUSANDS OF YEARS.

Thank-fully, we aren't so dumb now...but at the same time we are. We can't figure our own shit out, we rely on others for everything.

Johnny said...

Dude, the second last paragraph of your response had me IN TEARS. Oh my Penis, that was so funny.

And are you serious about the U of S paper cartoon? I would say that ranks pretty high on the offensive meter.

Anonymous said...

I am serious about the cartoon. The editor resigned...it made our school paper. I was pretty shocked on the offensive meter. But I wasn't actually offended. I just felt like I was watching family guy.

Peace out like trout (if this doesn't make sense, read about how cool I am these days with my comment after your survey post)