Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Ok, now I'm freaked out

Posted by Johnny

The email was sent. I told all, but I don't have a good feeling about it. Here's the reason:

My mom, who predicted the big breakup 2 days before it happened had another weird, but strong feeling about me and my emotions. She said it could have been either good or bad, but it was most likely bad. I generally pass off this kind of thing as purely superstitious, but given her track record in the last couple months, I'm not so sure anymore.

I didn't say anything about the email to Amy, but if it was anything, it was that. It wouldn't be anything to do with Kathryn's birthday being today because there isn't a lot more that could really hurt me in that former area of my life.

Oh well, only time will tell I guess. If I prepare for the worst, then I'll be less disappointed when the worst actually happens.

Stupid life/love. I rue thee for taking away my control.


eyes of a tragedy said...

firstly, you and reid have some intense banter and i think the laptop will be your downfall..hahaha

okay, i think its good you sent the email, know why? cause if you didn't send it then there would always be the "what if?" haunting you, this way you know you made the move and whatever happens from here on it is out of your hands..you know? so if it's ment to be it will be.

but i'm a little confused, you sent amy the email right? she's the girl you like? just cause you then say "I didn't say anything about the email to Amy, but if it was anything"...

and don't think so in the lines of the worst, i say go out there and explore your options, you're an attractive funny guy, you need to take control of this situation.

sorry, i'm not meaning to lecture. i hope you are doing well.

and i hope amy writes back.

Johnny said...

Sara, thanks a lot for the post, that really made me feel a lot better.

When I said, "I didn't say anything about the email to Amy...", I meant, "I didn't mention the email to my mom." That was kind of unclear the way I said it.

But I agree that I need to take control. I just haven't really been on the dating scene in... ever. My confidence needs to be built.

And, of course, I'll be posting the results (if any) on the email.

Anonymous said...

yeah, I know this is unrelated, but I just wanted to post something about this:

The Seal Hunt.

First off - WTF people, what is so wrong with killing animals. Is it because it is a baby? We kill fucking baby cows and call it veal. It is damn good. Sure people are opposed, but how many countries are banning it? Is it the way we kill our seals, the whole beating them with a bat a problem? Guess how some places kill cows in the US still - by mashing their brain with a stick! Once it is into mush the cow can now longer process information and it will die. I don't see countries banning beef. The fucking Americans have a war going on killing thousands of innocent people, but are we banning American products? It is crazy to think we should give up something of ours because someone thinks it is wrong. Is it hurting YOU? No? Fuck off then. Honestly people, they are seals! Sure they are cute, but so are chicks, and I eat eggs that "could" have become chicks. They are defenseless and I just eat them. Scramble them up and munch them. Sure, the egg isn't fertilized, but it COULD be. Have you ever stepped on an ant? Had a fire? Did you really need to kill the ant, and were you that cold?

Just like the ant population, the seal population is sustainable. We believed (somewhat) the US when they said Iraq had WMD, but you won't believe us on animals that we've done the research on?

To show how dumb these activist groups are, I will quote some things>

"Mothers are killed while the pups are left to die of starvation"
-Ynet News


"Ninety-eight percent of the seals that are killed are between three weeks and three months of age"
-Some activist

So what is it? Because last time I checked a 3 week old seal couldn't give birth.

Let us have our seal hunt, we let you have your cake....bitches

Anonymous said...

Just thought I'd add, as a reader of the comments that the Canadian government, despite McCartney's protests, has actually increased the quota for seals in Newfoundland and Labrador.